Home > Extra money!

Extra money!

August 16th, 2005 at 01:16 am

Today is payday - Kevin's check. I still won't start receiving my regular pay again until August 25th. Luckily there is
only one month I don't get paid, but I just hate that! LOL But we still get Kevin's paycheck every two weeks. Yay!
We feel so fortunate that, for most of the year, we get a paycheck just about every week. I get paid on the 10th
and 25th of the month, and Kevin gets paid on the 15th and the 30th. It just seems that there's always a check
coming into the account one way or the other. Annnnnyway....when we checked the account today, we noticed that
Kevin's check was considerably more than it normally is - not that that's a bad thing! We later found out that the
second quarter bonuses came in. Finally! They are late, but that's okay - we feel sooo lucky to receive them that we
really don't care when they hit the account! This quarter was even better than the first! Hopefully we'll keep
progressing in that vein and by the end of the year, it will be even more!

We decided to put some of the extra money towards paying off Kevin's credit card. It's the only thing we owe on and
we don't really owe that much on it anyway. Just the small amount we used while we were in Hawaii. It should be
paid off by October.

Pesto pasta and garlic bread for dinner tonight. Yum! I can hardly wait to eat! lol

Brian and Amanada and Vicky (MIL) are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I'll be glad to see them, but it still
upsets me that we're having dinner here. It's nice that Vicky wants to pay for dinner, and we do appreciate that. It's
just that, after I've worked all day, I don't want to have to come home and entertain guests. She says it will be more
relaxed...and it will - for everyone but me. I was hoping that, since they're all coming out this way, we could just
grab something at a restaurant, that way, I can relax, too. But apparently Vicky decided that she would bring paper
plates to our house and pay for take out - but that we would all just eat here. I think what irritates me the most is
that she doesn't really ASK, she just says that that's what she's decided we'll do. It's not a bad thing necessarily -
I just feel that, if it's going to be at my house, at least I should have some say in the decision! I love her a lot, but
this is one thing that really gripes me. It's not the first time it's happened. The next time it comes up, I'm just going
to say as nicely as I can 'I want to be able to relax, too, let's just meet at XXXX restaurant.' We'll see how that goes.
I'll probably have my chance to try it out before too long - maybe another two months or so. Wish me luck!

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